Dog Bite Attorney
The experienced Edmonton dog bite lawyers represent the victim in dog bite cases and not the dog owner. They only represent injured individuals and have years of experience handling cases involving dog bites. When a dog bites, it’s teeth and jaws can puncture skin, pass infection from the dog’s saliva to the victim, and tear muscle and ligaments. Dog bites can affect much more than the physical. Dog bites can also affect a victim’s emotional well being, especially younger victims.
Dog Bite Lawyer
Sadly, children are often the victims of dog bites. According to the Canada Safety Council, approximately 50 – 70 percent of the 460,000 Canadians bit by dogs every year are children. Here are some other shocking dog bite statistics:
- Every year in Canada, approximately two people will tragically die as a result of their dog bite injuries
- Most dog bites occur during the summer between the hours of 4 and 8 pm
- Almost 35 percent of dog bites occur in the victim’s home
If your child was seriously injured after being bit by another person’s dog, you should not wait to speak to a knowledgeable dog bite lawyer at Edmonton Car Accident Lawyer Group. As mentioned above, dog bites can result in severe physical and emotional consequences. Don’t suffer financially when assistance for injury costs could be just a phone call away. The caring dog bite lawyers we work with are familiar with the ways insurance companies try to get out of paying victims what they deserve and they will be prepared to fight for a fair settlement.
Edmonton Dog Bite Lawyers
When taking a case, the Edmonton dog bite lawyers’ main goal is getting victims the highest amount of compensation for the damages related to a serious dog bite. In a dog bite lawsuit, compensation can be awarded for medical costs, lost wages from taking time off work, permanent disfigurement, emotional therapy, and physical pain.
Dog Bite Attorney
Isn’t every lawyer the same? That’s a question the skilled dog bite attorneys at Edmonton Car Accident Lawyer Group get asked a lot. Their answer to that question is simply, no. Not every lawyer is the same and not every lawyer can get the same case results.
The dedicated dog bite lawyers in our group only take injury cases, which allow them to focus on building a strong case. And, a strong case is the key to getting the most successful case outcome. Hiring qualified legal help can mean the difference between wining and losing. Call our law group today at 780-669-5235. Consultations are free and you won’t be asked for any legal fees until you collect compensation.